Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company is presenting the regional premiere of Guards at the Taj by Rajiv Joseph with the tagline: ‘Brotherhood, brutality, beauty, and blood. Lots and lots of blood.”.That is certainly an apt description. Charles Isherwood titled his New York Times review of the 2015 Atlantic Theater Company production ‘Guards at the Taj,’ Two Ordinary Guys Ordered to Do the Unthinkable. BETC tells the story as well as any New York production might. The audience at the Dairy Center sold out opening kept the lobby buzzing discussing what they had just witnessed during the post show reception.
I followed up with the director Stephen Weitz via email.
EL: How did you become familiar with Guards at the Taj and what made it the right fit for this BETC season?
Sam Gilstrap and Jihad Milhem star in BETC's production of Guards at the Taj by Rajiv Joseph (photography: Michael Ensminger)
Jihad Milhem and Sam Gilstrap star in BETC's production of Guards at the Taj by Rajiv Joseph (photography: Michael Ensminger)

Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company presents Guards at the Taj
Grace Gamm Theater, Dairy Arts Center
January 25 – February 18, 2018
Click Here For ticket information
Director: Stephen Weitz
Stage Manager: Rick Mireles
Assistant Director: Jenna Moll Reyes
Set Designer: Ron Mueller
Costume Designer: Katie Horney
Lighting Designer: Jacob M. Welch
Sound Designer: Daniel Horney
Fight Director: Benaiah Anderson
Crafts Artisan: Anneke Ciup